In order to explain Şanlı İlaç’s course of foundation, it will be useful to summarize the recent history of Turkish pharmaceutical industry in Turkey in 3 periods:
- Pre-republic period when all the medications are exported from abroad without any license or control under the effect of capitulations,
- Republic Period after Treaty of Lausanne and the abolishment of capitulations, when the license and controls were required by the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Preparations Law numbered 1262 in 1928 to have an impact on the foundation of pharmaceutical industry in Turkey,
- Post World War II period, when the local industrialists were forced to be zealous and courageous due to poverty as a result of difficult conditions during World War II.
During these periods, preparations such as simple solutions and restoratives were made in some pharmacies.
Pharmacist Seyid D. Şanlı graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy in İstanbul University in 1946. Afterward, he got experience in pharmaceutical sector in Zurich, and founded Kordon Pharmacy and Şanlı Laboratory in 1948.
Right after, as Dr. Mustafa S. Şanlı graduated from Medical Faculty of İstanbul University, two brothers combined their Medical and Pharmaceutical knowledge. With the synergy out of this combination, they turned Şanlı Laboratory into a collective company in 1951, and were successful in transforming it into Şanlı İlaç Sanayi A. Ş. as a legal entity in 1981. Therefore, the foundations were established for today’s successful business.
The company addressed the pharmacies of Social Security Administration operating during the period and partially to the market of free pharmacies by manufacturing the combinations of Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory, Antirheumatic, Antihyperuricemic, Glucocorticoid, and vitamins as well as tablets, suspensions, pomade, and syrups addressing a great number of indications.
As a result of changing conditions in pharmaceutical industry in Turkey, pharmaceutical policies of the government, and the prediction that SSN pharmacies may be closed, our company decided to move on with “Şanlı Kapsikumlu Delikli Yakı”, also known as the Lion Plaster by the public, which can be said that it does not have any competitor or an equivalent in the market, which was begun to be produced in 1996 as a natural and herbal ingredient topical (applied over the skin) application, after deciding that it would not produce 29 types of medicine with chemical active ingredients with generic and oral use, of which the payment was supported by the government, in 2002.
Along with this decision, it was also decided to form an institutional management structure; to establish an infrastructure for R&D studies in treatment supportive OTC, Non-Prescription Drugs, Traditional Herbal Medical Product, Medical Device, and Dermo-cosmetics care product groups; to found all quality systems regarding the sector; and to begin the operations for the construction of a new factory in compliance with the legal regulations and GMP (good manufacturing practices) system.
After moving to the new factory built in İzmir Atatürk Organized Industrial Zone in 2006, the products developed as a result of R&D studies began to be released to the market. In recent years, two R&D projects with TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), one R&D project with KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization), and one industrial application project was completed and Techno Investment Project of Science and Technology Institution still continues. Besides, intense R&D studies is the most important activity conducted on non-prescription drugs and care products oriented towards various indication and forms.
As of 2009, our company began its foreign market research and established distributorships in 8 countries, and the operations for distributorship and drug licensing still continues for 6 countries.
5-year investment plans on the subjects such as new production building, new production lines with the purposes of fulfilling the different production form and received demands and of the preparations for new product research activities as well as the automation of sources such as ERP and MRP and the institution as a whole were created to increase the number of products by evaluating the incentive packages for the sector.
After commissioning the new production building in 2018, products of liquid, liniment, pomade, ointment, and gel forms are manufactured along with plasters in an indoor space of 4017 m2.
Şanlı İlaç progresses to the position it deserves with solid steps by continuing to stay 100% local and national despite the fluctuations in the sector thanks to its over 70 years of accumulated knowledge above the solid foundations of its past with its achieved rapid growth data, entirely local strong equities, competent team, “Şanlı İlaç Family” spirit and the vision of future.